December 8, 2006


Exciting things are happening at The Daily Spin. I've added two races to the schedule, the Peachtree Road Race in Atlanta on July 4 and Ironman Wisconsin on September 9.

I'm looking at possible races to add in March, maybe an olympic distance tri (open to race suggestions?) versus a cycling century. The other idea floating around in this way-too-active thought process is the Arizona Desert Cycling Camp mountain week on 3/31 - 4/8. Seven days of climbing the southeastern Arizona and New Mexico mountains with 74-103 miles per day. Wicked! Anybody participated in this camp?

I now have some of the best coaches in triathlon, Roch Frey and Paul Huddle at, guiding my preparation for Ironman. And I have my first session with my swim coach on Monday!

My 6 year old daughter Emma ran her first ever half mile run this afternoon in about 5 1/2 minutes to start her preparation for the Mercedes Kids Marathon in February. My 5 year old daughter Tess also is registered, but when she realized today that she would have to run and couldn't ride her bike for the race she lost interest (for now...)! She's too cute!

Until next time, thanks for joining me for My Daily Spin!


Audrey said...

That's so fun she's doing that "marathon." I signed my brother and I up for his first race at age 13(that I never ended up running due to injury) but it was still good sister/bro bonding. AND, he stuck with is and is on the cross-country team. Plus, now I can by him running stuff for x-mas instead of feeding the video game addiction. It's good all around. :) Anyway, again, very cool! Enjoy all of your co-training!

SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

So awesome for Emma!!! I just think it's cuter than all get-out when kids that young get involved in a sport other than soccer. I have nothing against soccer - both my kids play it - but triathlon/ running just isn't as popular, so it captures me more.
My munchkins did the Lifetime Fitness Kid's Triathlon last summer - Bobby (8) got out of the pool, ran up the stairs, through transition, about to mounted his bike while Mom was yelling "take off your cap and goggles, honey!!!"
I'll put their finish picture on my blog - it is way too cute.
You and Emma can "train" together - that's beautiful...