2. Hitchhiking is an acceptable form of transportation. Especially when you are 25 miles away from home and you have flatted and you have no spare tire... Or cell phone... Especially when the first thunderstorm of the spring has struck 5 minutes after you flatted... Especially when the guys that pick you up live a mile from your house, are returning from a fishing trip, and were planning to stop for ice cream anyway so buy you a double scoop of mint chocolate chip because you also forgot to bring any cash...
3. Even 3 year olds feel really bad when they score a goal for the wrong team during the soccer game. Especially when it was her first goal ever. Especially when her coach, who is a patient fun-stressing guy most of the time, accidentally slips out a rather stern "Anna you just scored for the wrong goal!"
4. Luckily, 3 year olds easily forget mistakes when they taste success. Especially when it comes in the form of not one, but two, goals into the right goal... Especially when it helps her team notch their first win of the season... Especially when the coach gives her a popcycle reward...
5. Crushed strawberry makes a visually realistic fake blood and can create more than a few screams. Especially when
Omigosh! That finger in the bowl is hilarious!
I love that your ride home just happened to have ice-cream eaters. Lucky duck...
Awesome and hilarious. Sounds like you had a rough ride, err walk.
I have often dreamed of someone coming along to save me from my long ride and buying me ice cream... what luck you have. :-)
Nice April fools joke!!
Score!!! ...you got a free ride AND icecream :) LOVE IT!
Nice April Fools joke... looks totally real!
Ewwww. Gross, but funny April Fool's joke! Yeah for goals for the right team and unexpected ice cream cones!!!
OMG..I'm speechless. Now that post was full of some good stuff!! Sorry about your flat...man, that's a bummer. Glad you got home safely.
And yay for the soccer goals!! I love a good story like that! My baby struck out 3 times in 3 at bats Saturday...and he plays tomorrow, so we're hoping for some redemption.
That finger is too funny. You really had me fooled for a minute.
that's sick dude! and the finger thing was kinda gross too...
A flat with a spare or not all alone sucks either way. Glad you got a ride home..
Post ride ice cream is always a bonus.
Great job on the kiddo scoring the goals.
First of all, shame on you for forgetting your phone and a spare tube. But it is pretty awesome you scored a double-scoop for your troubles!
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