The bike ride was the strongest I may have ever felt. I was able to stay hydrated and I think even had adequate energy intake thanks to some recent bloggerland advice.
On the lake Emma drove the boat solo for the first time, and she knee-boarded for the first time. The driving went well, but she still needs to get stronger to control the board. I think she'll have to stick to the tube again this summer.
Tess, Anna, and Aidan were worn out watching big sister in the cold water.
I'm taking the week off of running (and soccer) this week to let my left knee extensor mechanism (quad/patella tendon) cool off. It's gotten a bit inflamed I think due to playing soccer so much with the kids (3 days a week for a couple hours a day) the last few weeks. Although I think it is the soccer that caused it, it's irritated when I run too.
So, this week will be all about the bike and the swim. I should be able to get close to 15 hours of volume this week, so I'm hoping for some serious breakthroughs in the pool and on the bike!
Thanks for joining me for My Daily Spin!
She looks like a pro driving that boat. :) Who wouldn't crash after a day in the sun on the ride home. They look cute. Take care of your knee.
you know when your kids have a good time, when they are zonked out later..
Nice weekend and great riding..
Kids look adorable!
You know summer is here when the boat goes in the water, what a great way to spend a day. Although our boat in the water day also involves my dad tinkering around with the motor for 4 hour, with me handing him wrenches and holding a flashlight.
When I saw the title of your new post, I thought, "sweeet"!!
I love when you post pics of the second cutest kids on EARTH.
Take care of that knee!
Is there anything cuter than a picture of sleeping kids? Hmmm - maybe pictures of three sleepyheads!
Cool blog! So inspiring! You also take great photos. FYI, I have a blog about Lake Martin - Feel free to drop by and check it out. Please keep us all posted on the endurance race training. I have always wanted to do that, but I am too lazy, plus have no endurance talent!
John C
Weekends like that make it all worth while. Enjoy, cause it will be gone sooner than we thinnk huh?
Very sweet pictures :) Are you getting excited for Florida 70.3? We need to figure out a time to meet up.
Man, you have cute kids!
Hope you don't get any more flats for a while.
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