My first race of the season, the Powerman Alabama, is just over 2 months away. I'm already a bit nervous about fulfilling my expectations as this will be the first race ever for which I've actually reasonably trained. Huge... But this race really isn't that important to me, and likely I will try to use it as a training brick with lots of friends.
I'm incorporating a local 5k, the Miles for Smiles, into my run this Saturday. I'm sure I'll push the tempo a little beyond the 8-9 minute miles I've been walking, er running, during this base phase.
Triathlon is flu-like contagious! My friend Carmel has just resolved to do a tri before she turns dirty thirty in 5 months. She just bought herself a sweet Scott Contessa. One of the other ED docs at work has been asking me about joining the Vulcan Tri Club, and my friend Anne has committed to do the swim portion of a relay team with me and Mark in an as yet unnamed (Chattanooga Tri?) tri this summer. We should smoke that course - Anne was an NCAA national champ swimmer for several years back in the day...
In other exciting news, I've placed the order for my new bike today. After much
Want to know a secret that I recently learned? I can actually swim decently fast - but only for short bursts. Lack of swim endurance is holding me back, but that too is getting better. It's hilarious to look at the precipitous drop of my 100 splits over the course of a 10 x 100 session. But, on the positive side, I can do 10 x 100 sessions now!! Woohooooo!!
Thanks for joining me on My Daily Spin.
very nice bike doc.
you getting it local or over the net?
Cool bike. Way to bring people into the fold! And congrats on the 10x100s.
Awesome news on your swim! You must have your technique down now --- next step... the endurance. Great job - way to stick with it.
p.s. nice bike!
tj, locally from a net shop... heheh, all3sports in atlanta has a great web site, but also a sweet store where i've fitted/picking it up...
Congrats on the new bike.
I am thinking about going back to Waterfront this year. Swimming in the river with the current is a real ego booster.
jack, i got my lucero from them also. they were great. i have nothing but good things to say about them.
SWWWEEEET Bike!! Great job on the swim too!
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