So I was new to the kids marathon format until we started this adventure a few months ago. Each registered kid, and there were around 4000, ran 25.2 miles
Emma has been counting the days until racetime, even telling me yesterday how she was going to sprint at the finish to take 1st place. Tess wasn't quite as excited, although her interest level did increase dramatically when I promised ice cream after the race (how anyone can want ice cream when it is 25 degrees is beyond my comprehension...).
They div
That girl ran the entire way, passed tons of peeps, and then finished with a kick that Carl Lewis would be proud of. Final time - 9:09.
I hurried back to the starting line for Tess's 11:15 start. She was a little more
The kids collected their medals, and both have already decided that next year they want to "run another marathon!"
Congrats to Tess & Emma! You're going to have to devote a few walls in your house to all the medals your family is/will be earning!
Now that is a beautiful thing!
Enjoyed that. Looking forward to sharing the same with my kids one day. Glad to hear that you have gotten them on the right track to a healthy lifestyle.
Proud moment for you TriJack. Congrats to you and the future stars...
Very cool in a country of x-box kids - you've got a couple of stand-outs! Awesome job to the kidlets!
Just like you (I'm sure) I'm always very proud of my girl when I go run the mile with her and the class. Dads and sports go a long way to keeping girls tough and healthy when teenage life wants to get them down.
congrats to the girls!
Nice times kids! They look so proud. Great job.
wow, with times like that, emma can come run with me anytime - i need a good pacer!! congrats to both girls, they rock - both on race day and in all the work they had to do to build up to race day. 25.2 miles in 4 months is pretty impressive at their age. heck, its impressive at our age!
way to go, emma and tess!!
Wow - that is so amazing. What great accomplishments!!! You are creating such a wonderful environment for those kids of yours... I hope they wore their medals to school today... ;-)
Congrats to the girls.
Awesome job.
I really enjoyed "training" with my kids last year for their "marathon". They wore their medals for days.
Your girls need ponytails!!! Use your suturing skills (ER docs have suturing skills, right?) to figure out how to wrap those hair ties. :)
Congratulations to them both!!
Awwww! What a great post! Look at those proud smiles!
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