December 6, 2006

News from Heather Fuhr

Ok, I promised some exciting news...

So I was in the ED last night talking to one of my residents about a patient. Nothing too exciting or life threatening, so I am checking email while we are formulating the best management plan...



I see it...

Heather Fuhr... Yes, read it again, I had to... Heather Fuhr... As in superbadasswoneverytriathlonyoucouldeverimagine Heather Fuhr... As in Kona champion Heather Fuhr... As in 15 time Ironman winner Heather Fuhr...

An email to me... Read it again, I had to... An email to me from Heather Fuhr confirming that yes, I have a slot in... drum roll please....


Oh yea, it's on baby! It is so on...


SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

I will be volunteering/watching that race with Trimama... and you will have lots of other Tri-bloggers racing with you in Madison.
How exciting. You are going to be an Ironman. Forever!

Robin said...

Congrats! That's really exciting. Now your countdown to the big day is ON.

Audrey said...

Welcome to the "big show" :) Not that I've been there...but enjoy the journey! And I love all your pics with the kids. My Dad (who has 4 as well) was sleeping in the next room when I was looking at them last night and I was reminded of being a little kid! Congrats on the entry!

Running Shorts, Audrey

rocketpants said...

That's great! Looking forward to reading all about the adventures on your journey to iron.


LoneStarCrank said...

Great news TriJack. We look forward to your success and can't wait for you to take us along for the ride.


Chad said...

Way cool!

Congratulations Ironman.

TJ said...

that is awesome.
good luck with your training.

Triteacher said...

I'll be there! Volunteering this time around. You will love this race.