Anna had her 3K class Christmas party today, so I joined the group to eat pizza and make smiley-face cookies.
I was the only dad there, which has stopped surprising me. I've been going to these class parties since my oldest started pre-school 4 years ago, and I can count on half a hand the number of times I haven't been the solitary dad.
But being the only dad there isn't exactly why I feel lucky. I mean, it's not like I'm cruising the sch
It's that I'm able to be there at all.
That I have a job that gives me the flexibility to set my own schedule and work at night... That I have the ability - I have no idea why or how! - to go through the day sleepless after and before working all night so I not only can take care of my kids but can participate actively in their events...
That I have the desire to sit on those tiny little pre-school chairs with a dozen 3 year olds jumping on me because I'm the only dad there; and, after all, dads are for jumping on...
Life is complex. Parenting is complex. It's easy, way too easy, to continually look to the future for a time when I'll have more money, or the kids will be out of diapers, or when the kids will be out of the house. Then, then everything will be perfect.
But if you always look ahead, look to the future, you don't see what is in front of you, what is now. And now, I've discovered, is pretty damn amazing, even when I'm getting jumped by a bunch of 3 year olds.
And that makes me the luckiest guy I know...
You are lucky.
And I have to say it again. She is absolutely adorable.
You are lucky, and so are your kids! My husband is also often one of the only dads at the playground, playgroup, or event. Kids are so lucky to have active and involved dads, and your daughter is just too cute!
You are lucky, and so are your kids! My husband is also often one of the only dads at the playground, playgroup, or event. Kids are so lucky to have active and involved dads, and you are right that the time they are so small is very short when compared to a human lifespan. My kids are 10 and 7 now, the days when they were preschoolers are far behind us!
P.S. Your daughter is just too cute!
Whoops, sorry for the double comment there!
That's so, so nice you could be there. My parents both worked full-time (one as a practicing physician and one a physician with a non-traditional job) and I was one of the only kids who never had a parent there. I'm definitely not judging them! Our family benefited from them working in other ways-like having a working mom role model and being able to afford stuff like, food, of course, and vacations, but I still remember. I'm sure your daughter will remember you being there.
What a great post.
its really a blessing for you to be able to spend this time with your children as they're young. they love it now, but when they get older, they'll really appreciate the full value of having their dad around and involved in their lives. enjoy!
Not only are you lucky, but so are your kids! :)
I second what momo says!
... and so wise of you to live it all with eyes wide open.
And the post is OK, too. :)
very cool that you can be there with your daughter. i'm usually the only dad on field trips and at parties in my daughter's class too. my wife is a teacher and can rarely get away.
i usually get to be "boy's restroom monitor dude" since i'm the only dad around.
there's nothing more entertaining than a bunch of 8-9 year old boys in the restroom.
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