The last 12 months have been amazing, maybe the most healthy and rewarding ever for me.
3 years ago, I was living in my 8 foot square office at the hospital. Now, I have a house and this year I finally made it my home.
We were spelunkers through miles of underground mazes at Mammoth Cave National Park, and we hiked around Bushy Lake in Alabama.
We walked the land where Abraham Lincoln was born
We sledded on a toboggan at more than 30 mph in 10 degrees, over and over and over again, until our feet and hands and nose were numb and blue.
We camped in tents at Lake Martin and in our backyard, I taught the kids how to tube behind our boat, and we hiked up Cheaha Mountain.
We toured the home of William Taft, and we were led
We saw the travelling Broadway productions of Annie twice, and Beauty and the Beast, and we saw the Atlanta Ballet perform The Nutcracker.
We ran on the mall in DC; and, we studied the Jefferson, Washington, and World War II memorials.
We spent 2 separate weeks at the beach in Sandestin, a week at Daytona Beach, Florida, a day at the Georgia
Aquarium, and we made countless trips to the Birmingham Zoo.
We met Sir Topham Hatt and rode on the "real" Thomas the Train, we sat on
Without the kids, I made additional trips to Orlando, Panama City Beach, Nashville, Indianapolis, Chicago, and New Jersey.
I camped and canoed Lake Toxaway in the North Carolina mountains, and I caught a fish (for the first time in years) at Lake Martin.
I made 4 road trips greater than 1000 miles, 3 greater than 1500, and 1 greater than 2500 miles (with just me and the kids).
I ran 2 5k's, a sprint triathlon, an olympic distance triathlon, and a marathon.
I spent more than 110 hours sitting in car-line, taught Emma to ride her bike without training wheels, changed countless diapers, and taught Anna to use the potty (finally!).
I built a solar system with Emma, took Anna and Tess to ballet class twice each week, and helped Aidan spot every tractor known to man.
I read more books, mine and the kids, than ever before in the last year.
I worked 1700 hours and took care of about 5000 patients in the Emergency Department at UAB, easing suffering, making life a little more tolerable through laughter and the occasional morphine shot, and even saving a few lives.
I re-discovered a passion for writing and found an outlet for that passion (thank you T - miss ya! ;) ).
I met thousands of people, enjoyed the company of hundreds, and even found a couple of kindred spirits along the way.
A lot has happened in the last year. I am a very fortunate person, and I constantly am reminded of that. I have worked hard to put myself in this position. I have sacrificed when necessary, and I have trudged through many sleepless days and nights.
Despite everything that I have, and everything I have done over the past year, both for myself and my kids, I am so optimistic that the following year and years to come will be even more fulfilling.
My kids are amazing. I like them, as a group and individually, and I know they
So thank you, thank you so very much for sharing this time with me. I hope you continue to journey with me, with us, on our future adventures!
I want to cry. You totally "get it". If I could speak for Him, I'm sure He'd smmile and say He's pleased.
Happy New Year!
Amazing! I didn't realize how many days there are in a year :) I can't wait to read more about your journey over the next year. Thanks!
Well said, well lived!
Sounds like an awesome journey of the year, I enjoyed your photo retrospective. Your kids are so blessed to have an incredible and active life. I went to many of the same places with my folks, and have tons of great memories. I'm sure your kids will too!
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