I am listing the 10 reasons that I desire to and will finish my first 26.2 during the final 10 days prior to the race. This is the 4th in the series.
Not Every Race Needs to be Won...
For a long time, I told myself that I didn’t need to compete in or do something in which I couldn’t win or be the best. If it was worth my time to do, than it was worth my time to prepare to win.
I think this attitude contributed to me not previously competing in a 26.2.
But I’m older, and I’m wiser. And I know that if you keep waiting for that perfect opportunity, or if you don’t do something until your outcome is assured, you’ll never have or do anything.
You see, I’ve learned that I don’t always have to finish first. Its ok to not make the Dean’s List, as long as passed your classes.
And its ok not to know why someone is dying in front of me, because I am only human, just like him. And although I am trained to diagnose and treat and save, I will not always have the right answer, or sometimes any answer. And when that happens my responsibility is to involve specialist physicians who may or may not know the answer, and to tell the patient that yes, you are dying; and yes, I am doing everything in my power to save you; but no, I truly do not believe that your illness or injury is survivable. And that’s ok, because I don’t always have to win... I only have to be honest, with myself and with my patient.
And its ok to not be able to have the most beautiful, perfect girl for me... I can give and give and give, but receiving is a privilege I won't always have. Or, maybe it is meant to be and it will be, but the finish line is so far in the future that at times it is difficult to visualize. But even if I don’t finish 1st, even if the race moves at tortoise pace, I have to start and keep running to have a chance...
In just 7 days, 1 week from today, I will finish a 26.2. I can guaran-damn-tee you I will not win this race. But you know, I will win... I will win because I will be there. I will win because I will finish. I will win because I know I don’t have to finish first, or in the top 10 or 100 or even in the top 1000, to win...
Heh, we had a little joke we used to tell in medical school. "You know what they call the med student that graduates with a C average?" Doctor...
And you know what they call the last place finisher of a 140.6? Ironman.
I know now I have no need to finish 1st. I just want to be in the race, and I just want to finish...
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