November 20, 2006

lapped by the granny

My swim has become stagnant. For months, I have been at the pool 3 or 4 times a week.

I have done drills... I have swam countless 50 and 100 yard repeats... I have swam distance... I have kicked more, and less... I have breathed every 4 touches, and every 3... I have watched Ian Thorpe videos... I have practiced water balance... I have counted strokes...

And despite it all, I have made little progress...

I still get lapped by the old grey-haired ladies. Now imagine, if you can, a 31 year old guy who looks even a few years younger with a reasonably muscular body, cut abs, and shoulders that can handle repeated sets of 25 strict pull-ups at a time. He jumps in the pool and starts swimming a 100. Grey-haired granny with a pannus and more wrinkles than a daytime soap opera jumps in the next lane 30 seconds later and STILL finishes her 100 first.


So I've decided to let my swim rest for a couple of weeks. In less than 2 weeks I have my 26.2, so my body needs a little extra rest anyway. I will put the swim on the back burner and try not to think about it.

After the race, I will start anew. Fresh beginning. This time, though, I think I might swallow some pride and ask for help from someone who knows how to swim. Heh, with my luck, my coach will be the wrinkled granny that kicks my butt every Monday afternoon... Sigh...


Triteacher said...

Hey! Don't give up, just grow a pannus.

DV said...

:) uhm, wow, i think i would have to consume like an additional 10k calories a day for me to get one... that's a lot of pizza, and beer... heh, maybe not a bad idea!