March 30, 2009



Registered for Powerman Alabama in April and Gulf Coast Half Iron tri in early May...

More... Soon...


Bullet said...

Hey DV, just registered for PM myself. Hope to see you there.

SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

Hey buddy - long time since I checked in - where do the months go???
You will do great - you are a natural - sick or undertrained you will deliver a fine performance.
I have to argue - didn't you feel like you arrived when you finished IM Zurich considering you just did it on a whim under peer pressure? You can do anything.
I'm doing my first ultra (50 mile) in September. Had wanted to get to this a year ago, but got sidelined. It's gonna happen for me this year.... can I double dog dare you to join us???
Take care friend,