Hey buddy - long time since I checked in - where do the months go??? You will do great - you are a natural - sick or undertrained you will deliver a fine performance. I have to argue - didn't you feel like you arrived when you finished IM Zurich considering you just did it on a whim under peer pressure? You can do anything. I'm doing my first ultra (50 mile) in September. Had wanted to get to this a year ago, but got sidelined. It's gonna happen for me this year.... can I double dog dare you to join us??? Take care friend, xoxoxo
Hey DV, just registered for PM myself. Hope to see you there.
Hey buddy - long time since I checked in - where do the months go???
You will do great - you are a natural - sick or undertrained you will deliver a fine performance.
I have to argue - didn't you feel like you arrived when you finished IM Zurich considering you just did it on a whim under peer pressure? You can do anything.
I'm doing my first ultra (50 mile) in September. Had wanted to get to this a year ago, but got sidelined. It's gonna happen for me this year.... can I double dog dare you to join us???
Take care friend,
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