May 6, 2008

Talkin Bump n Grind

So I'm racing the Bump 'n Grind XIV in a few weeks, and I'm getting a little worried. Why I am worried?

I've never mt bike raced before. Well, I actually have never bike raced period, mt bike or road or bmx or anything. Sure, I've ridden a fair amount over the years and obviously completed the bike portion of duathon and triathlon races, but I've never raced a bike race.

If you follow the link to the race site and look at race results from previous years, you'll notice that my division, which is Sport 30-34 male, the winning time last year was 1:12:45. Now I've ridden this 17 mile course many times over the last couple months, and I only once finished less than 1:30. That would put me better than last place, but not much better. I don't like finishing close to last.

Yesterday I decided to do 2 loops on the course, which I've never done. It didn't work out too well. I was thinking about my legs burning and lost my focus. Losing your focus on a trail in my experience predicts a nasty crash about 90% of the time, and yesterday was no different. I went down hard on a rocky section, and my day was done 3 or 4 miles into the 2nd loop.

I've started running more again after minimal to no running since mid January. So far nothing is hurting much, although I feel incredibly tight. 30 minutes Sunday went well, so I'll try another 30 today.

Hopefully, if all goes well, I'll be able to resume more regular tri training soon... God knows I need it, physically and definitely mentally...

Thanks for joining me for My Daily Spin...


TJ said...

Sounds like you are in for some major fun. Screw the time! You'll PR no matter what.

Anonymous said...

Hey Diamond, are you doing Steelhead again this summer? Kahler - U of M