January 8, 2008

First Swim

I swam Sunday for the first time since 24 HOT.

I was nervous about it, afraid that anything and everything I have learned over the last couple of years about swimming would be gone - ya know, use it or lose it right... But with the nervousness came a little excitement that by jumping in the water and starting to work on my weakest event, I was in a way committing myself to and beginning training for Ironman.

It's a good thing the water was in the mid 80's because if it at all felt cool I might have just climbed right out and headed for the steam room. But it felt good, and I felt good.

Oh it wasn't pretty.

Take an ugly inefficient stroke and give it a 3 month break and what happens? It gets uglier and more inefficient.

But it was easy at least. I swam 5 x 150 then a 250 and stopped for time constraints rather than fatigue restraints. This was definitely a satisfactory result for me - after all it was less than a year ago when I still couldn't swim a 1000 yards straight.

And with this swim I commence Ironman training.

It feels good to be back!


Carrie said...

If the water temp drops below 80F, you could always wear your wetsuit...

rocketpants said...

Good to be back in the pool i'm sure! I missed the decision to do the IM. Another year, i'm sure another set of adventures.

Unknown said...

Good to hear someone else hasn't been in the pool for a while either. I tried to go yesterday at 6AM, but discovered I left my trunks at the house. Spent time on the dreadmill instead. Good luck in getting your stroke back.

RunBubbaRun said...

So I guess that means you are doing IM this year instead of Comrades?

Always good to get started back again. Have fun in the pool..

SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

Welcome back, Phelps.

Triteacher said...

YAHOO! You're in the game, dv!

Benson said...

I'm right there with ya bratha. Starting IM training is a good thing.
Great photos of your vacation in Steamboat. LOVE THE SNOW!

TJ said...

congrats on getting back at it.