I hung with Stronger and fam...
I saw Bolder's playground, the Boulder Res...
I was entertained by 2 of the most adorable kids ever!
I crawled through a giant mud pit - twice!
Mud Mud Everywhere!
But the race did come at a price - my maybe stress-fractured foot that I decided to race on anyway wasn't able to be walked on when I woke yesterday morning. So, I'm on crutches for a stint and out of running for a few weeks. Despite probably making the injury a little worse, I'd do it again in a heartbeat given the chance.
I owe an extra special thanks to my super muddybuddy for running a lot faster than I did and keeping us reasonably competitive. You're the best C!
Thanks for joining me for My Daily Spin.
Yeah for the muddy buddy pics! I love the costumes. Very funny. And cute on the kids. :) When your kids see the photos, I bet they'll want to do one. Got any mud around there for an impromptu muddy buddy?
But oh no about your foot! Hope it heals fast.
My sister did one of these a couple of years back. Her pics look a lot like yours.
Take care of the foot!
Yeah, I did one last year, it was great crazy thing..
Looked like you had a blast, sorry to hear about the foot thou.. But sounds like it was all worth it for you.
yeah...oh yeah...yeah. This looks like so much fun. I was out of town for the weekend so I couldn't check it out. Maybe next year. Nice race. I hope that your foot gets better fast!
Fun times - best healing wishes for your foot!
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