January 17, 2007

My Declaration

I need to make a declaration.

But first, let me explain. I think way too much. As much as I try to shut down this locomotive, it still pushes forward endlessly, trouncing over obstacles, day and night, until finally it reaches some imagined endpoint and squeals metal on metal to a painful stop.

Except this locomotive of mine never seems to stop.

So I have to guide it, cajole it, patronize it. I feed it with new ideas, and I eventually make concrete the progress, or lack thereof, of its spinning in the form of action. Frequently the action lands here, allowing definiteness for me and transparency for you.

I've been thinking a lot about this race season, trying to separate dream from goal. It's harder than I imagined. I mean, hell, I can picture myself cruising past the Normanator in the lava fields, then galloping along for a 2:30 marathon to take the podium with my kids all cheering by my side. But we'll let that be next year's goal, this year's dream...

But I don't want to cut myself short either. I'd rather aim high and land short than aim low and hit the bullseye.

That being said, there's not a chance in hell that I won't reach my goal. It just ain't gonna happen...

Now, back to my declaration. My first race goal of the season: IM Wisconsin - sub 11:30. This one's going to burn!!

Thanks for reading My Daily Spin.


Born To Endure said...

I just found your blog through Flatman's!! Very cool, I think you've probably found a lot of bloggers that are going to IMWIS too!! Best of luck and hope you meet your goals!!

:) said...

That's a damn good goal. Good luck, brother!

greyhound said...

OY, vey. I hope to get to the start line at IM MOO healthy and just not be embarassed. Love your blog, and I'll see you in Wisconsin, if not sooner.

Robin said...

Wow, that's a tough standard you're setting for yourself. Best of luck. I'll cheer from the (virtual) sidelines and watch your journey with only a touch (well, maybe a bit more than that) of Iron Envy ;-)

And boy do I ever relate to the locomotive metaphor. Which is usually why I'm reading triblogs at midnight, trying to shut my brain off!

SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

My gut tells me you will bust that 11:30 mark at Zurich. I'll be at Wisconsin cheering for you to go sub 11:00. There you have it. That's MY declaration.
At Wisconsin, just aim to get back by 6pm - dinner time - and you'll do it.

Laurie said...

11:30?!?! Damn. You better swim faster. Just sayin.

Lisa said...

Good luck with your goal! I look forward to reading all about it.