November 21, 2008

Mites are Back

I think Syranji the boa has mites again... I fed him his weekly rat this morning then checked on him an hour later. The rat was still running around, so I got worried. A close look at Syranji's scales and I can see them - black, pin-head sized moving thingies.

When I discovered mites a couple months ago I had to figure out what the heck they were and what the heck to do about them. I itched just looking at them.

I gave him daily baths in a water cooler full of warm water daily for 3 days. Each bath was supposed to last for at least 20 minutes, and I had to hold the snake and scrub it the whole time. My initial hesitancy about handling him was forced to disappear.

And I emptied out his cage, baked his rocks, and cleaned the cage with bleach daily for 3 days too.

And now they are back...

On another subject, I've started swimming somewhat regularly again. Its funny that it seems I can not swim for months and then pick up right where I left off. Same speed (or lack thereof), same endurance. Maybe its that I swim so damn slow that a few months off just can't make me any slower.

The weather has been cool for the last week. Lows in the high 20s and highs in the 40s. I've managed a couple cold weather runs that would make Stronger proud. A new section of trail opened in the park adjacent to my house, and I discovered another mile of trail that I think was already there but I didn't know about. That's made the park loop somewhere around 5 miles and a lot more fun to run.

I still haven't pulled the bike out. I haven't ridden it since my last century in August, and now that its cold I don't think I'll be on the road anytime soon. I'm hopeful to at least start back on the trainer within the next couple weeks.

Then, if all goes well, I'll start a more formal training regimen when we get back from Tahoe in January...

That's all for now. Thanks for joining me for my daily spin...

November 13, 2008

November 7, 2008

Back in the game...

I haven't felt much triathlon motivation since I was denied entrt to the Redman Iron distance race in September. I had no idea the race closed weeks before the start despite not capping. I had even told some friends that I might move on to something new, a challenge of a different sort.
I ran the Air Force Marathon in September, and I ran a couple local 5 ks in October. I had age group podium finishes in the 5ks so I was feeling pretty good about that.
I thought maybe I would focus on running primarily... Then one of my old bosses JK's training for this month's IM Arizona got me a little inspired. And then I swam today...
It was my first swim since August, and it was only 1000 yards. But it was enough to remind me that I like to swim...
And yea, I like to run... And yea, I like to bike...
And know what? There is absolutely nothing that compares to the satisfaction you get when you cross the finish line after racing 140.6 miles in 1 day.
So I visited my old friend and looked for any races that weren't already capped. And what do you know? The race closest to me, IM Louisville, had spots. And with it being in August, that gives my slacker-ass plenty of time to train and procrastinate and still be ready to rumble come raceday.
So I forked over the ridiculous $525 entry fee...
And it feels damn good to be back in the game...

November 4, 2008

November 3, 2008


The kids and I went to the Moss Rock Art Festival Saturday, intending to enjoy perfect temps and azure skies. We did, but we also walked away with 3 pieces of art, the most substantial being this painting by local artist Edna Hodgens called Reflecting. Isn't she beautiful???


But I do know, really, why he didn't come.

It's one of the things that keeps me distant from any significant others I've had since I divorced. Once you establish new respobsibilities with another person, once you are committed, once you have created this new family, you lose the flexibility of the unattached.

If I were to marry again, would I be able to follow E and J if they needed to move away? It's possible, but the scenario scares the crap out of me. I can imagine being remarried and they move, and I feel obligated to stay where I am because of this new partner and potential new family that has developed family roots where we are.

If I stay unattached, then I can always go anywhere my kids are. My profession is highly flexible; I can easily work anywhere in the USA and make plenty of money.

And Dad, he already had formed that new attachment in the form of Cheryl, and her daughter (who he eventually adopted) Terri. So he was stuck where he was, whether he wanted to follow or not...

I don't know if I want to face that...
