Sometimes the weekend turns out great, but when it's over, you feel so bummed that it's over, you just don't want to recap it.
And that's kind of how I feel... Bummed it's over...
She came...
When we picked her up from the airport Friday afternoon, we couldn't make Stronger have 3 more hands so that each of the kids and I had one to hold... So we hugged her en masse, probably smothering her a bit in the process. Needless to say we we happy to see her, I was happy to see her.
She saw...
nce the last time she visited we drove 1000 miles across the southeast over a 2 day stretch, I wanted to let her see a little of Birmingham without a ton of driving this time. We went to see Vulcan for Momo, who I hear has always dreamt of seeing him and who has now placed the experience on her list of must-do's... Ha! So we went over to the helipad on the 16th floor of the hospital for an unobstructed view of him, and the rest of Birmingham. We then drove over and looked up his skirt - dude has balls of iron... Anyway, we scooted here and there over the weekend with a little sightseeing along the way.
She conquered...
We decided to do a little twilight Retro 5k Saturday night. We, being of the most cutting edge race couture type persuasion, had no real retro items to race in, so we just raced. And pointed and laughed at the 2 foot high afro wigs and leisure suits and knee high tube socks. We just made it to the start line after an brief - but highly effective - warm up before "3 - 2 - 1 - GO!" I had forgotten how small local races like this start so nonchalantly. No guns.... No cannons... No trumpets... Just Go.
And Go we went! I had hoped for under 20 minutes and thought I was on pace to do it, but I always forget about the last point something in a race when I'm figuring pace. I work on the 3 mile pace for a 5 k but forget about that extra 0.1 miles. So I finished in 20:26, which was good for 6th/40 in the 30-34 group.
After finishing I walked back to the last turn before the finishing stretch just in time to see Stronger rounding the corner. I shouted "Go Carrie" and then jogged along to see her finish in 23:22, good for 2nd (out of 30!) in her age group! Way to go Carrie!!!
After the finished we hurried over to the nearby playground where the kids we playing and hustled them back for the start of the half mile kids race. This was Emma and Tess's 2nd race in 3 weeks, and they were excited about the shorter distance this time. The race started with a big downhill, and Emma face planted after about 50 yards. The girl is tough... She popped up so quickly I barely had time to ask if she was ok.
Emma and Tess both ran strong and fast, and had fun! After the race Emma was shocked to realize that she was bleeding from both knees and an elbow from the fall. Her 7 year old runners high had kept her from realizing she was injured during the race.
After the race we took the kids home to the babysitter and then met Matt and Lauren for some good food and great conversation. Matt is just as funny and friendly as his blog suggests, and his wife is great... It always impresses me to see a couple who seems so genuinely in awe of and in love with each other... They're the real deal.
And finally the weekend had to end... Stronger back to Colorado. Kids to their mom. Me to work. Sigh...
On the Horizon...
This weekend Steelhead Half Ironman is on the schedule. Unfortunately, I'm bagging the race for several reasons, including a broken foot (on my unfortunate mom who was going to watch the kids for me on Friday) and my uninspired feeling about this race. Instead I'm going over to Madison to do a reconnaissance ride on the IM MOO course on Saturday and a recon run on Sunday. My own little WIBA, I suppose...
Muddy Buddy in Boulder is less than 3 weeks away, and 8 hours of triathlon is just a month away. And then comes the big show at IM MOO...
Thanks for joining me for My Daily Spin...